Click the picture and read about the color wheel! Materials 4 jars per group red, yellow, and blue food coloring activity sheet set of crayons (my class uses Crayola, the more the better)
Color Wheel Worksheet 1 Procedure Start by putting the crayon colors in order. Is there a special order they should be in? Then looking at the website to learn about the color wheel. Complete one for yourself.
Using the color wheel and the information from the Internet define monochromatic, analogous, cool, warm and complementary colors. Predict how many drops of each of the primary colors it will take to create one of the other colors in the color wheel. Your group should agree. Test your prediction. Did it work? What did you observe? Record your findings. Take some time to create your desired color. If you already succeeded try and transform the color created to a new color. Record the colors you add and write out your observations.
Students will each complete a lab report paper. Students will each find definitions for the vocabulary words. Use at least one in a sentence about the experiment. Students will each complete a color wheel and know its parts. Extension Students work in groups to brainstorm as many colors as possible. Research may be done at this point by looking in crayon boxes, dictionaries, wallpaper books- whatever resources are available if a group cannot think of at least thirty colors.