Materials card board box glass jar of water ruler flashlight scissors click here to download worksheet Procedure 1 1. Fill the narrow, transparent tank with water. 2. Cut two lines, two centemeters apart, on one end of the box. 3. Put the sheet of paper in the bottom of the box. 4. place the jar full of water in the middle of the box. Be sure it is in line with the cuts in the box. 5. Darken the room and shine the light through the cuts. What happens? Record on the worksheet. Procedure 2 *Equipment - a coin, a tray or cup of water 1. Put the tray on the table and place the coin at the bottom. 2. Keep looking at the coin and move slowly backwards until the coin disappears from view. 3. Stay standing and have your partner pour water into the tray. What do you observe? Record your observations. What is the definition of refracted? Procedure 3 Observe what happens when a straw is placed in a glass of water. Record your observations.
Students will each complete a lab report paper. Students will each find definitions for the vocabulary words. Use at least one in a sentence about the experiment Students will each draw a picture of what happened in the experiment. |