I have set out a plan that should be followed by each group in the team. 1.You will be assigned to a 4 person group. Members are responsible for their own diorama. 2.Gather information for your exhibit. You will need to find between 4 and 6 good sources for you project. Look on the Resource page on this site. Make a list of titles of websites and books in your unit of inquiry book. Keep in mind that the more pictures, facts, and dates you find about your subject the easier your job of making the exhibit (diorama) will be. 3.Write a report from the facts you gathered. This report will be cut up and displayed on the exhibits. When you think you are finished have the teacher review your work. Remember to write the facts in your own words. 4.Create exhibit (diorama) rough draft. Include the report you have written from all of your facts. Make a drawing showing your exhibit and where you would like to put your information. Decide what type of exhibit you will create. Which will best suit your purpose? -an exhibit you look into, see the scene and read the information -an exhibit you can walk around and see from all angles and read the information. 5.Get your rough draft and plans reviewed. We can discuss materials and how your exhibit will fit in the museum. 6.Create exhibits (dioramas). Help the members of your group. Remember neatness and presentation are important! Once you are finished create 2 or 3 questions that could be answered after visitors have looked at your exhibit. |